Home - Skuld
...Skuld is a world leading marine insurer. We provide our members and clients with service and competence they can rely on 24/7....
Skuld P&I - Skuld
...The P&I cover protects our members against third party losses and liabilities and gives access to the professional services offered by Skuld?s experienced teams. Together with additional products tailored to individual needs of the member, Skuld P&I ensures a reliable cover for liability exposure....
Skuld Renewal Update 2 policy year 2025/26 - Skuld
...Members having policies in currencies other than USD will have rates that are affected by the change of exchange rates between USD and the currency of the Policy. Skuld has to pay the reinsurance in USD. Thereby, this will have an impact on the reinsurance rates in other currencies: (2025/26 rates per GT and change in % from 2024/25)...
Contacts - Skuld
...Contact Skuld - Find Skuld employees and markets per Business unit...
Rising threats of piracy in the Somalian waters and Indian Ocean - Skuld
...The reconfiguration of international shipping lanes due to the crisis in the Red Sea has inadvertently led to a surge in traffic east of the coast of Somalia. Consequently, this area has seen a resurgence in piracy activity over the past year....
Oslo - Skuld
...Skuld Western Europe: wea@skuld.com Telefax: +47 850 28 301. Skuld Nordics and Eastern Europe: nee@skuld.com Telefax: +47 850 28 302. Skuld Energy: energy@skuld.com. Skuld Hull: Telephone: +47 22 00 22 00...
Topics - Skuld
...TOPICS / Understanding your world, sharing our insights. Providing timely, accurate, and actionable loss prevention advice and legal updates is a key service that we provide to our members and clients....
Guidance for a successful vetting inspection onboard a tanker - Skuld
...An onboard inspection can only be successful if the tanker has been prepared for the inspection. For this reason, some companies perform pre-vetting inspections by internal resources prior to the vetting inspections by the oil maj...
Anti-deduction clauses: Can a charterer withhold hire without ... - Skuld
...In The Anna Dorothea, the Court found that where a charterparty provides that no deduction from hire may be made without owners' consent, non-payment of hire is a "deduction" if the vessel is allegedly off-hire at the instalment date, thereby precluding charterers from making unilateral deductions. Whilst the case is fact specific, this is a welcome analysis of how provisions limiting ......
smooth sailing a half year into 2024? - Skuld
...Skuld sees a steady flow of questions from shipowners and charterers about how to obtain the EUAs and in general on how to deal with the obligations under the charterparty. Skuld encourages its members and assureds to familiarise themselves with the subject to ensure compliance when the EUAs will be due next year....