General Questions - Kaupthing
...What is the legal status of Kaupthing hf. and what is the role of the Winding-up Committee? Kaupthing hf. (?Kaupthing?, the ?Company?) is an Icelandic company controlled by a court ordered winding-up committee (the ?Winding-up Committee?)....
Completion of solvent liquidation On 28 July 2022, Kaupthing ehf. (the ...
...Completion of solvent liquidation On 28 July 2022, Kaupthing ehf. (the ?C... Page 1 of 1. Developed with LiSA. Advania - LiSA, Sharepoint, Web Solutions and CMS system ......
Kaupthing Bonds
...What is a blocking number and why is blocking needed in relation to my Kaupthing Bonds? When bonds are blocked, they are ?frozen? by the relevant depository to ensure that they are prevented from being traded....
...On 28 July 2022, Kaupthing ehf. (the ?Company?), entered solvent liquidation proceedings pursuant to Act no. 138/1994 on Private Limited Companies. Following a final meeting of shareholders on 26 April 2023, the solvent liquidation proceedings have come to an end and the Company has ceased its operations and will be deregistered from the Icelandic Companies Register....
Claim Transfers - Kaupthing
...Disclaimer: This information is for informational purposes only and shall not be made legally binding towards Kaupthing ehf. Please note the terms of the general disclaimer governing use of this website and the information contained on the website....
...In a ruling of the District Court of Reykjavik issued on 24 November 2008, Kaupthing Bank hf. ID-No. 560882-0419, Borgartun 19, 105 Reykjavik, was granted a moratorium on payments until 13 February 2009. On 19 February the moratorium was extended until Friday 13 November 2009. Pursuant to ......
Kaupthing - Markdown Request Form V.KPBMRK1 for additional information, or (ii) visit the Kaupthing website and review the Markdown FAQs. After the Markdown Request Form, Fee and Signature Verification are submitted to Epiq, they will be reviewed and processed....
...BASE PROSPECTUS KAUPTHING BANK HF. (incorporated in Iceland as a public limited company)?12,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme Under this ?12,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme (the ?Programme?), Kaupthing Bank hf. (the ?Issuer?) may from time to time issue notes (the ? Notes?) denominated in any currency agreed between the Issuer and the relevant...
KAUPTHING BANK HF. ISK 200,000,000,000 Covered Bond Programme ...
...Under this ISK 200,000,000,000 covered bond programme (the Programme), Kaupthing Bank hf. (the Issuer) may from time to time issue bonds (the Covered Bonds ) denominated in any currency agreed between the Issuer and the relevant Dealer (as defined below)....
ManageMent accounts - Kaupthing
...Kaupthing?s registered office is at Borgartún 26, 105 Reykjavík. The Company?s main activity is the management and controlled monetisation of its diversified asset portfolio, which is comprised of cash, debt and equity holdings....