Internetipank - SEB
...korduva Smart- ID väljastamine pangakontoris (4), (5) 5 eurot. 14. Väliskontode haldamine SEB Eesti ärikliendi internetipanga vahendusel. Baltic Online (SEB Baltikumi pankades asuvad väliskontod) - teenusega liitumine (6) 15 eurot. - kliendi internetipanka on liidetud ainult SEB Läti või SEB Leedu konto (d) 10 eurot kuus....
Koduleht | SEB
...Ettevõtlusega aitab alustada SEB. Konto avamine ilma kontorisse tulemata mugavalt videokohtumise teel. 1 aastaks kontod, kaardid ja maksed tasuta. K uni viis makseterminali pooleks aastaks tasuta. SEB E-äri makselahendus e-poele lepingu- ja kuutasuta. Tasuta nõu alustavale ettevõtjale. Loen edasi....
Homepage | SEB
...Start your business with SEB. Open account via video. One year of free daily banking services for new business customers. For merchants up to five POS terminals free for six months. SEB's e-commerce payment solution without a contract and monthly fee. Free business plan advisory. Learn more....
ATM find | SEB
...ATM find | SEB. 31. oktoobril on Magistrali kontor avatud kuni 15.00. Renoveerimistööde tõttu on Magistrali kontor suletud 1.11?1.12.2024. Kontor avatakse uuesti 2. detsembril. Lähim pangaautomaat või kontor....
Internet bank - SEB
...Signing the internet bank agreement provides you the full range of our services. Transfer money, use and create payment templates, as well as take advantage of automated standing orders and e-invoices. View your account balance, statements and manage accounts. Manage your cards ? order and activate new cards, view PIN codes and change cards ......
Valuutakursid - SEB
...SEB Site disclaimer Olete finantsteenuseid pakkuvate ettevõtete AS SEB Pank, SEB Life and Pension Baltic SE Eesti filiaal, AS SEB Liising, AS SEB Varahaldus ja AS Rentacar kodulehel. Soovitame enne iga finantsteenuse lepingu sõlmimist tutvuda hoolikalt teenuse tingimustega ja vajadusel pidada nõu asjatundjaga....
Investeerimisfondid - SEB
...SEB investeerimisfondid. SEB fonde juhivad investeerimisprofessionaalid vastavalt fondi prospektile. Erinevad fonditüübid võivad sobida nii investorile, kes ootab investeeringutelt madalat riski ja tootluse suhet, kui ka investorile, kelle eesmärk on täiendada tasakaalustatud investeerimisportfelli, aktsepteerides samas kõrgemat riski....
Become a customer | SEB
...You can become an SEB customer via mobile app, if: You are an adult citizen of Estonia; You are not a politically exposed person; You currently do not have account in SEB and you have not been the customer of SEB previously; You want to start using the services right away. To access the full banking services, such as loans or credit cards, you ......
Correspondent banks - SEB
...Correspondent banks | SEB. Correspondent banks. Paragraphs. BIC: EEUHEE2X. Correspondent banks are important for clients, receiving payments in foreign currency. The name and BIC of SEB correspondent bank form a part of the requisite information to be forwarded to your partner. A correspondent bank is selected based on the payment currency....
Private Banking | SEB
...How to become a customer of SEB Private Banking. Private Banking services are intended for customers whose financial assets are valued starting from 200 000 EUR. We offer a full range of financial services related to your financial needs ? from everyday banking services to preparation of personal financial strategy....